Friday, October 27, 2006

Cool Blog Apps

Now, technology needn't mean something that has to do with physical products. What I am going to present is about one such virtual entity that has taken us all by storm. I am talking about blog and the all the technologies that made it possible. If we are happy with that, that would have been the end of the story.

However, humans can never be satiated. And that's the reason we keep getting so many new things day in and day out. I here present a few things that I have come across today. These are Websites as Graphs, and few other apps for your blogs. I should thank Ashish Sinha for all the wonderful stuff he has on his blog.

What do you think is the picture on the right. If you don't get it in spite of the huge hint early on in the post, its not my fault. To end the suspense it is the web graph of my other blog . For more detailed explanation please go to the following post by Ashish. I know you are a bit impatient, you may do well to first check out the site which lets you do this. Please visit "Websites as Graphs".

All of us bloggers, sorry there, many of us. I am excluding all those who just blog, but do not care for any other blogs. Are always curious and feel good to know who has linked back to us.
Webzari is a cool way of checking on all those who link to you. If the link is a bit to work initially, that is because it is from Yahoo! Korea and their are high chances the language displayed is Korean (assuming it is really Korean and you have the right fonts installed), else their is a high chance of it being not more than gibberish. Either way it should not deter you from entering the blog site address in the box. (what did you think they have it for). Isn't it a cool.

Now there are two more apps that Ashish describes in this post of his. Kartoo is very promising to me but I have decided against discussing it here for some not so very obvious reasons. Since I have come to discuss some of the apps for blogs, let me go ahead and mention here a very useful tool for all those bloggers like me, who have little or not traffic at all to their blogs. This is a site called Blurb. This guy Ashish is going to kill me but I don't have a choice but to link to one more of his post. (You tell me, is there any point reinventing the wheel -:) ). Coming back, I sure some of you might love to get your blog published. I am thinking the omnibus I am going to publish. (Height's of optimism).

Please post a comment here on the cool apps that you know for blogs.


Bernardo Lares said...

hey nice blog you´ve got there!!! maybe you´d like to pass by and see mine. You can also write back and tell me what you think about it, you might even use my page as your main page, or just come out with a good idea!! Thank you and good luck!

Here´s my link...

admin said...

Really nice blog!! Thanks for sharing.

I like to share this one: